Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Suprisingly NOT an April's Fool post.

I have struggled with what to post today. Honestly, I am still feeling way too shitty to come up with anything good.

I did, however, stumble across the link at the bottom of this post...

Apparently people are obsessed with cornholes. Give me a minute to laugh like the adolescent that I am...



Ok. Anyways,  although *I* have not personally engaged in any cornhole activity, I am sure some of you have, and have probably enjoyed it. (Although cornhole related injuries are a concern.) I hear a lot of people do it wrong or don't try using the proper materials.

Anyways, now that your mind is completely buried in the gutter, click the link.

If you don't know why this is so funny to me...bless your heart. I applaud your naivity.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my hell.. you have got to be effing kidding me!!
