Monday, April 13, 2009

The Weekend of Jeff....

Jeff turned 14 this weekend. (On Saturday.)


He is old.

Anyways for his Birthday, we went to Hastur's and got our geek on. After spending an eternity looking through comics, games, and D&D books, he decided on some expansion figurines for his D&D Miniatures game. After that little jaunt, we went home to have lunch with our lovely ladies and then....Nickelcade. Don't worry. I took some excedrin in advance. Wandering around the arcade with a pocket full of jingles really brought back some memories for me. It was a great day spent mostly hanging with the two coolest guys I know.

Oh, and for the record, there was NO cake. Root beer floats were the dessert du jour.

Yummy. Cake is for freaks.

Have a great day!


  1. I agree, cake sucks!! Man, you guys are getting OLD!!

  2. Sounds like a day ordered just how he liked it. Happy Bday again Jeff!

  3. Dawnita Floyd (mom)April 14, 2009 at 8:39 AM

    Jeff is growing up to fast,he makes us old!! Happy Birthday Jeffy, we love you.

  4. Wow..I cant believe how old he is! I remember his 1st birthday, playing vollyball in the backyard with your dad! It dosen't fell like that was 13 years ago!! Happy birthday Jeffery!!
