Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gee-tar, Drums, and a siren...

Yesterday I was grumpy. In fact, I think I have been grumpy for a couple of days.

Hard to believe, I know.  

My wonderful Maxine, in her awesomeness, was sensitive to my grumpiness and was determined to find a cure.

As we were contemplating our dinner choices and just having a general chat, she suggested a rousing game of Rock Band.

Well, little camper, that worked wonders. Our little 5 man band is not very good, not by a longshot, but we laughed and sang and rocked for a couple of hours and all signs of mister grumpy gills were gone. We only have a PS2 so downloadable content is a no-go, but the stock songs are rock-a-rific by themselves.

Regin is quite the crooner, especially with Jeff shredding the guitar, Andrew thumping the bass, and Maxine defying logic on the drums. Me? I prefer to float around all 4.

My vacation starts tomorrow. I see a good amount of Rock Band in my future. If you haven't played it, I suggest you give it a shot.


  1. I hear it is super fun, I wish I was cool enough to have a system newer than the gamecube or a playstation to play it on.(not that I even have a playstation)

  2. Sounds like some good ol' family fun......remember when I was part of your family............awe...I miss that! You guys are fun parents.

  3. You are welcome to come back anytime! We can throw a bed in the laundry room for ya!

  4. I freakin LOVE rockband! Best game ever!
