Wednesday, March 11, 2009

And you call ME a geek?

Ok, so I embrace the fact that I am pretty geeky in some respects. I love to read just about anything, I am in to bad movies, and I enjoy making obscure references that most people don't get about movies, books, or songs that many people have never heard of/seen/watched.


I am not one of these people:

All that being said, I think I am pretty damn cool as far as geeks go.

Oh, and by the way, your mom called. She said you have to watch this video.


  1. You love that guy! Did I see the guy with the nail in his head from Happy Gilmore (mr. larsen)? And The yup yup aliens from sesame street? Bring Bring!!
    Don't lie Mark, you know you wanted to be at that convention, that is just your style. We all know you have a wolverine costume hidden in the depths of your closet!

  2. Mark, you say that like we don't know you are the one in the R2 costume...
