Sunday, December 21, 2008

Miss Stacy Brunson

This morning we learned that Miss Stacy is no longer with us. There have been many tears around the house and we all have heavy hearts but I feel more complete as a human being having known her. The opportunities to have her in our house on her short visits and in my life have left me richer that you could ever possibly know. Anyone that spent any time with her could see she was masterful in her ability to brighten any room. Stacy proved to me that it is always possible to impact someone's life without ever having to speak to them. Maxine is convinced she is an angel. I cannot say I disagree. Although we are not blood relatives, I have thought of you as family for so very long.

My heart goes out to her family and we all offer our love and support.


  1. We have always said Stacy is a Celestial Angel here on this earth. Her parents are so very special, they have always made sure that her needs were taken care of by loving a compassionate people, your family was some one they entrusted Stacy with. Her family has been so loving and good to her,Heavenly Father sent her to the right family. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who know and love Stacy.

  2. Well I wasn't going to post because I just didn't think anything I had to say would amount to what her passing truly means. But I just wanted to say that the world was a better place for having known her and that I'm not sad for Stacey as I know she's back home, but rather I'm sad for those who have to go on without her for the time being and I pray for them to feel comfort and peace during this trying time.
