Monday, December 1, 2008

Ideas for writing THAT book.

Right now I have several story ideas floating around in my notebooks. Some are good, some are mediocre, and some seemed really great when I wrote them down and now when I read them I am really confused.

It has long been my habit to sit on an idea for several weeks before working on it or discarding it.

Come to think of it, that is probably why I mostly wrote poetry and lyrics in my younger days. There has never been much of a time commitment to it.

Anyways, the question I pose to you is this....

Do you prefer, as a reader, novels or collections of short stories?

It is an interesting question to me. When I was young, and had far fewer responsibilities and much more time, I consumed as many different books on as wide a variety of topics as I could find. I would often pick up the longest books I could find, knowing it might be a few days before I could get something new. Now that time is precious, I have found that I prefer collected short stories. It could take me a couple of weeks to read a novel. Short stories can be done in an evening.

So, dear reader and future consumer, what do you prefer? Novels or short stories?


  1. I like both but I would definitely say if I have the time I prefer a novel.

  2. You know how much reading I do. I would rather read short stories. It's not because time is precious, it's that reading generally puts me to sleep.

  3. Novels are preferable only if they are great. If you question your stamina or abilities at this point at all, short stories are definitely the way to go. The good news is that you have a bunch of suckers lured in to reading this crap you post on here everyday that, no matter what you write, will read it. ;-P
