Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Hallmark Holiday!

To all the mothers and mother-effers out there....
Happy day! I think it is fairly common knowledge that I am not a huge fan of Mother's Day. (Or Valentine's Day, or Halloween, or any other contrived holiday that was created to sell cards, candy, and mindless bs.)
But that really isn't the point. I celebrate Maxine every day as the mother of my children. (and my best friend, and my reason for living, etc) I think that is good enough. And since she made me swear not to buy her anything, it all fits together nicely. I was bored this morning and, as I often do, was browsing YouTube.
Here are a few commemorative videos for your viewing pleasure:
(some are kind of lame but there are a couple goodies out there and they all have at least *some* redeeming qualities)





This one was pointed out to me by Ted. Thanks brutha! I still think its hilarious!

On a side note, I did a google search for "I Hate Mothers Day" (I was hoping there would be something funny) and the fourth search result was this. I still haven't stopped laughing. That one article really sums up the christian spirit, doesn't it? Bah, you can keep it. I will stick to my universal principles.

Have a great day! Star Trek in T-Minus 3 Hours and counting.....


  1. Wow, I have never read anything more hateful in my entire life, I cannot believe you posted a link to that crap.

  2. I know right?
    I posted it purely for it's comedic value. The ignorance displayed in that article had me laughing so hard I almost peed. And to think they can actually get people to follow them.
