Sunday, January 18, 2009

The death of an old friend...

Today I was trying to unplug the playstation so the kids could take it to the game room. I was backwards in my favorite chair, leaning over the back.
The very same kind of pose I would have hollered at the kids for.
Then, tragedy struck. My fat ass broke my favorite chair.
My lovely, big, squishy, brown recliner that I spent years bugging my dad for is now a heap of broken tears.

Please join me in a moment of silence.


  1. Is is evil that I LOL-ed at this one?..

  2. Yes it is! I was distraught!
    For you to lol at my misfortune speaks volumes about your personal integrity.
    No. I don't know how. Shut up meanie!

  3. I remember when pat and I used to sleepover at your house in Magna so Max didn't have to be alone while you went and did army stuff and we would sleep in that chair or on your couch until you got that waterbed that was freezing cold. so sorry for your loss.
