Friday, December 10, 2010

Some things I'm in to these days...

We just finished watching Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Maybe the bestest movie I've seen all day.
It is dangerously close to my top 5. Even if you don't think you want to see it, you should.
Boy howdy was it good and full of randomness.
Good clean fun for everyone, which is not normally my cup-o-tea.

Musically, I am going for diversity lately. There's a really good band called King Niko that I've been in to for a while now. They are playing a show with Royal Bliss next week and I am really thinking of going. Since it is December, I am also listening to a lot of Christmas music, of course, and have been listening to a lot of older music.

Good times abound! Keep your chin(s) up and rock on.

1 comment:

  1. I loved that movie surprisingly much. Definitely a movie to buy.
