Thursday, December 9, 2010

Livin' la Vida Loca...

So. I haven't blogged. I thought about killing the blog entirely due to lack of activity.
I don't have a lot to post lately. Life is life.

I've recently started reading Ricky Martin's biography. I like Ricky Martin. He is who he is and he doesn't apologize for it. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and I freely admit that I like a lot of his music.

More following the musical interlude:



Maxine got me a guitar for my birthday. Hands down the coolest gift EVER. I am brutally bad so far and I can't make my fingers work right but it is one of the most fun things I've ever tried. It's like heroin. I practice until my fingers hurt so bad I can't stand it.

It's almost Christmas. Pretty much my favorite time of year. The time period from Thanksgiving through New Years is pretty much the best time of year.
We might be taking a few fun trips early in the new year too. We will see.

I'm pretty sure I have the best life ever.


  1. yeah, I called myself Roach. Did you compare playing guitar to being a heroin addict? That's weird. Miss you guys already.

  2. It's because of those sausages at the end of your wrists you call fingers that you suck. Ha ha ha ha... I kid! Cool gift. Good job Max (yeah, I called her Max). ;-)

  3. Of course you have the best life're married to our daughter!!You'll catch on to playing the guitar in no time. I love this time of year also! And believe it or not I like Ricky Martin too.
