Thursday, December 30, 2010

Closing the year

I am posting this today instead of tomorrow because tomorrow is Andrew's birthday and I don't know if/when I would have time.

I had some pretty big ambitions this year. I don't like the word resolution so I don't use it. I'm going to keep the same thoughts in mind this coming year to see where I can take them.
- I wanted to exercise more. I have. Not nearly enough but "more" is a pretty loose guideline.
- I wanted to drink a lot less soda. I've had moderate success with that one. Right now I'm doing pretty good but I am prone to relapses.
- I wanted to find ways to be charitable and work for causes. I have done a few things but I want to do more.
- I wanted to do better with finances. Again, a little better with (a lot of) room for improvement.

I've had a ton of positives in my life this year.
- Maxine, as always, is my heart, my soul, my reason for everything. She is the biggest reason that I am the man that I am. Without her, I am buttdust. She continues to provide me with everything I need in the universe.
- My kids are growing to be such wonderful people. They are all unique. We have 5 very distinct personalities in our house but I think it is safe to say we are all very close and I treasure them immeasurably.
- I had to make some incredibly tough decisions in the best interest of my family that I still struggle with (and probably will forever) but I know I ultimately made the right decision and we are all better off for it.
- I was able to reconnect with so many members of my extended family and my siblings. Technology is great.
- I was able to come to grips with my job. It may not be glamorous. It may not be exciting. But it is stable and it is mine.

Overall, 2010 was a pretty good year for me. I hope 2011 will be at least as good. Things have not been perfect. I won't list the negatives from this past year because I am trying to focus on only positive energy.

Keep your chin up. Face life head on. Try to be a little spontaneous. You only live once, have some fun with it.


  1. Good job Mark,you did good with 2010, I hope 2011 goes even better. Thanks for being a wonderful husband to our Maxine,and for being a grat dad to our grandchildren.Have fun with the family tomorrow for Andrew's birthday.I love all of yoy!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to Droopy! That's a good list. I might have to borrow it.

  3. Happy New Year's to you all and a very Happy Birthday to Andrew!
