Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My life...

Ok, so there are gazzilions of reasons why I love my life. Admit it, its better than yours. No, really, its true.

It is no secret that I have an addictive personality. I also have a very (or should I say VERY) short attention span.

Here are some of my current addictions (or is it obsessions?).

1) Maxine. Yep. 'Nuff said. She is my everything. She knows it. Everyone knows it. This is the addiction that keeps me away from some of the naughtier addictions that are part of my past.

2)The almighty internet. I bow to you, Al Gore, for bringing the internet to our dimension. When you mix my short attention span with my obsession for off beat humor you have the poster child for chronic internet guy. (Thats me!)

3) Tetris. What the hell. A game from 1980what? There always seems to be some game that grabs me and doesn't let go. TetrisFriends is the current one. Before that, it was Mario Kart Wii which still calls to me from time to time.

4) Pizza. Oh sweet glorious pizza. If you ever wonder why I'm a chubbly little man it is pizza. (And extreme laziness.)

5) Speaking of mmmmmmmm. Pepsi. It rots you from the inside out. Rot has never been so blissful.

6) Bad movies. Cinematic gems such as Kung Pow, Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer, Popeye, and the list goes on and on and on. I just really love movies that people think are shit. Of course, even I have my limits. (Did you click the last link? It is worth it.)

There were some more but they have slipped my mind.


1 comment:

  1. Al Gore invented the internet! Ha ha! What a great guy!

    Ps. You know you are just as in love with Paul Walker as Maxine. In fact if Paul walked into your house and asked you guys for a three way, you'd totally agree to it! Wow, that was inappropriate. Bazinga!
