Sunday, December 4, 2011

These Aren't The Droids You Are Looking For

Did you know I'm a geek?
I really think I might be.
I'm probably not the biggest geek you know. I think of myself as kind of a borderline geek.

I enjoy technology. I don't spend all my time reading about it. I don't spend a lot of time reading about it.
If I hear of something cool and its free, I will probably play with it.

I enjoy video games. I'm not good at video games. I'm not even moderately good at games. I don't play "first-person shooters." I almost never finish games that I start. (In fact, I think that in all my life I've only finished 3-4 games.) I used to play games every day. I'm sure Maxine thought I played them A LOT. As I look back, it probably was more that I should have. I never played for hours and hours everyday but I did play. Every day. Which is excessive. Nowadays I play for an hour or two in the mornings on Saturday/Sunday. It is my "me" time. That's one benefit to waking up before everyone else.

I appreciate some things "geeky" but I don't know that I fit with the geek culture. I like mainstream. I disapprove of downloading things you didn't pay for that shouldn't be free. (Movies, TV shows, music, etc) Some people I know find it strange and humorous that I won't download (or borrow downloaded) media.

The point being, I suppose there are levels of geekdom. People I associate with, because they don't know any geeks, tend to consider me a geek. The few geeks that I know can geek me out fairly easily. Maybe I'm a moderate.

This is why I hate labels. They rarely ever apply correctly.
I suppose I would be a rockerhippiegeek. But that doesn't really apply either. I also love sports. How does that fit in?

I can't be a rocker. I enjoy rock music. I don't go to concerts or know all the obscure bands. (And I love Justin Timberlake, Ricky Martin, Wilson Phillips, etc. That's not very rock and roll)

I can't be a hippie. I love the environment. I want peace and happiness for everyone. I wish the world was a more tolerant place. But I also bathe. And I have a leather jacket. And we own an SUV. (Even if it is a small one)

And, for all the reasons above, I cannot truly be a geek.

Therefore, I present to you a new classification of person.

A Mark!

Fight the man! Destroy labels now! Let people be people and freedom reign supreme!

(**this rambling post brought to you by that chunk of time spent waiting to color Maxine's hair. Have a nice day!)

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