Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Do you ever watch a tv show and wonder why that movie star is doing a tv show? Or watch a movie and think, don't I recognize that person, wouldn't I have heard if they were in this movie? Is it because everyone has a doppelganger? Maybe.

Josh Duhamell and Timothy Olyphant

Jeremy Renner and Devon Sawa

Amy Adams and Isla Fisher

Anna Faris and Laura Harris

And of course Al Paccino and Robert Deniro...... Ok not really according to most people. I have gotten them mixed up for forever and it makes "heat" one of the most confusing movies ever.
People have said I look like Claire Danes the most, could she be my younger, skinnier, blonde doppelganger?
Do you have a doppelganger?


  1. You should have put a pic of you and claire danes next to each other! Or you and Julia Stiles! I don't have a "doppelganger" now that I'm a fatty boom-ba-latty!

    Good call on Josh Duhamell and Timothy Olyphant! I've always gotten them confused. I also think that Kristen Wiig looks just like amy adams!

  2. `;* I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information `:*

  3. -~" that seems to be a great topic, i really love it `-,
